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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Rowdyville, Dan McCarney, You

What happened? Theories abound. Everything from moving on up to moving on out. In any case it remains a mystery, like the owner and operator RunnerUp. He's always been quiet. No one knows more than his first name: Michael.

His message board has been super popular, however. Though IRS and RowdyTalk attempted to compete, everyone remotely interested in UTSA sports had an account.

Here's hoping that the moving up rumor is true.

You have options if you want to message board. You can move over to Rowdy Talk. The interface is kind of wonky but you'll get used to it.  Apparently people post at IRS, too. I won't be in that one. The new popular board among the people is the CSNBBS board. It is busy, and has many other forums and  ... yeah I don't like it either.

Really, a message board is like any hang out. You don't necessarily like it because it is cool or awesome but because people you like are there. The features of the board are secondary.

In any case, if any of you want to use the test forum I had set up back in March at you can. I set up a Rowdyville Refugee Forum for you out there who don't want to mess around with the other ones. Use it. Don't use it. Consider it the Official, Unofficial Coker Chronicles Board.

Just ignore the URL for the time being.



Speaking of moving, Dan McCarney is off the UTSA beat and now on to covering the Spurs. Good for him. That is a better assignment, no doubt. It kind of sucks that we kind of have to start over with the new guy Jerry Briggs. He tweets about as often as DM did back before he met us internet lovers. That is to say not very much at all. In any case, welcome the new guy and read his stuff.


Also, don't forget to sign up for the Online Dynasty. We are likely starting next week. There will be prizes. Even if the thing is just Jared, Shafe and I it'll be fun. We'll do recaps and the whole nerdy bit. It'll be awesome. 

Go Runners.