TexasHoops.com first reported that Trey Mohair will not be taking the football scholarship UTSA offered him. Hat tip to Mac78251 who alerted me to this after the spring game. I saw this tweet earlier in the day and chalked it up to relationship type stuff or something. It seemed pretty innocuous:
So I straight up asked Trey if the report was true via DM on twitter. He said yes, that he and his father came to the decision after deciding his heart wasn’t in the sport anymore.
It seemed pretty straight forward until you read the rest of the tweets that Rowdy Report posted.
Those don’t seem like the tweets of someone making a hard decision but rather those of someone who is having a decision made for him, yanno?
Trey was one of the better guys in this class so it sucks to lose someone of his caliber. If we didn’t “lose” him and instead pulled the offer … that is even more interesting. I hate to speculate so I won’t. Check back for more later, ya’ll.